Sunday, October 01, 2006

Regent Education Fund

The founders of Regent have had first-hand experience in poverty-stricken areas of China where children yearn for an opportunity to go to school but their parents cannot afford this luxury for them.

Since 1997, the Regent Education Fund has assisted many children in rural China in receiving elementary education. In the beginning, all funds relied solely on contributions from Regent companies and staff. Gradually, more and more Regent travelers are contributing to this cause.

Annual tuition and books cost approximately US$60 per child. The Regent Education Fund sponsors individual children and also contributes to general purpose school expenses such as teaching aids and library books.

For more details, you may contact Regent offices in either China or the U.S. personally, through this web site, or by telephone, fax, or mail. Our guides in China will also be happy to provide you with more information.

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