Saturday, September 30, 2006


Situated in the southern part of Anhui Province in China, Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) is a famous scenic spot. On the mountain, the peaks rise one upon another and the pines and cypresses are luxuriantly green. Among the 72 big and small mountain peaks and ridges, the lakes, brooks, deep pools and waterfalls can be found everywhere. All over 1800 metres above sea level, and shrouded in clouds and mist, its main three peaks: Lotus Flower Peak, Ever Bright Peak and Heavenly Capital Peak present a scenery of boundless variety. Huangshan owes its unique scenic value to four factors, i.e. queer pines, grotesque rocks, cloud seas, and a hot spring. The exquisite scenery varies with the various seasons. Most spectacular are blossoms in Spring, pools in Summer, forests in Autumn and snow in Winter. In 1990, the UNESCO listed Mt. Huangshan as "A World Cultural And Natural Heritage."

Heavenly Capital Peak
Located in the south-eastern part of Huangshan, and 1810 metres above sea level, it is the most perilous peak of the three. The path to the top is via a vertical ladder inlaid in a precipitous cliff, and fenced in with stone posts and iron chains. The last section of the path to the top is about 30 metre long and 1 metre wide hunch-backed rocky ridge rising up from a deep ravine. Due to its riskiness, in spite of protections provided by the stone posts and iron chains it is figuratively called "Silver Carp's Back." On the summit, there is a stone cave large enough to seat a hundred people. Near the cave entrance, lies a rock resembling "A Drunkard Immortal Reclining On His Side" who was as if assigned to guard the gate of the cave. The summit commands a distant view of misty ranges of mountains and rivers diminishing into tiny lines. Here, one is at last at "the Peak of Perfection" as the inscription on a rock close at hand reads.

Lotus Flower Peak
Situated in the centre of Huangshan, and 1886 metres above sea level, it is the highest one of Huangshan's three main peaks. Lofty and precipitous, its principal peak towers over a number of smaller ones around it. The summit area is only a few square metres. Standing on it, one is as if to assume the dauntless spirit of propping up the sky from falling down. Far ahead in all directions are myriad of mountains vying with one another for beauty, and streams and rivers competing to be the fastest.

First Belief Peak
It is located in the eastern part of Huangshan, and 1668 metres above sea level. The peak is famous for exquisite rocks and graceful pines. With its three sides being precipitous and fathomless cliffs, First Belief Peak, flanked by Rising Peak and Stalagmite Peak as Fairy Bridge spans the summit. A poetic inscription on a rock there reads "you are a lone climber from a freezing river."

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