Saturday, September 30, 2006


Lushan is situated in the southern part of Jiujiang city in Jiangxi Province. Solitary and imposing, it towers over the southern bank of the Yangtze River, leaving behind its shadows upon the Boyang Lake. Nature has excelled herself in such a spectacular lone mountain. As a result of tremendous rubbing and grinding of glaciers, its grotesque peaks and cragged cliffs look all the more precipitous. The enveloping clouds and mists make it very hard to define the true shapes of the billowing peaks and ridges. The rapid streams cascade down and form numerous deep pools and hanging waterfalls. The lush mountain alongside with a crystal clear glimmering lake is picturesque. Mysterious and enchanting sceneries nestle in the secluded valleys and deep ravines. To describe the infinite variety of fantastic shapes of Lushan Mountain, Sudongpo (a famous Chinese ancient poet) wrote in his poetic masterpiece:" I can't tell the true shape of Lushan, because I myself am in the mountain!"

Dragon Head Cliff
Besides a craggy cliff, it springs up some thousand feet out of the ground, rearing in the sky like a dragon head. From top down, it's inlaid with protruding grotesque stones and overgrown with upside down pines. Standing at the top, one can enjoy a bird's eye view of the Tiechuan Peak and hear the surfing of wind in the pine forest mingled with roaring of the waterfalls in the Stone Gate Ravine.

Three Tier Spring
Originating in Dayue Mountain, the spring angles around the backside of Wulaofen (Peak of Five Old Men) and pours into Jiudiego (Nine Tier Gully), crashing twice upon huge rocks, and then converges into a torrent, and drops once again, splashing and throwing about millions of water beads. Driven by the gully wind, the tiny drops dance in the misty air, sparkling in the sunlight, and falling like countless dazzling pearls.

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