The History of The Great Wall(长城)
The Great Wall is well-known because of its magnificent majestic appearance.Now,in the call of "Loving our China, repairing our Great Wall", many places of The Great Wall have be repaired, which make it more boundless. The Great Wall has become the head key point of interest in China. more and more foreign people was attracted by it. The people who visited it are all acclaim as the peak of perfection.
The Great Wall convolves on the ridges of mountains and desert.It's maked up of city gates,circumvallations, enemy towers,signal beacon towers and so on, it was the martial recovery engineering system of the different place and nations in China Long time ago.It was built through several thousands years by Chinese people, it's the embodiment of the Great power and strong purpose of Chinese people. It has become the irradiant treasure of our Chinese archaic civilization. Many move one to praises and tears stories have taken place between the people bide inside and outside of The Great Wall in the long time traffics, it has been attracting many bookmen indited or paint for it, which added so many cantos and paints to our artistic thesaurus.
B.c. Eleven Century, Xi-Zhou, Our country had the recordation that is "The city wall set down in the north". From B.c. Seven Century to B.c. Three Century that is called the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, The princes of many little states began to fight and swallow up each other. They all built the long city wall for self-defence, for instance, Chu state built its wall in the Nanyang district firstly, Qi state built its wall in the Shandong province, Zhongshan state, Wei state, Han state, Yan state, Zhao state, Qin state and so on all began to build their city wall. The total of the city wall's length was more than five thousand kilometre, but they were distracted from each other.
B.c. 221 Year, QinShiHuang consolidated all six states, He pulled down the wall between the states one side, the other side he built the new city wall in the north to defense the Hun. He command MengTian general and thousands upon thousands people to build the new city wall, it stretch more than five thousand kilometre in an unbroken chain, which is the oldest Great Wall.
During the West Han state period, The Hun in the north bacame more and more stronger, So the Han state had to build new city wall, and strengthen the old Qin Great Wall. From the eastern parts of Liaoning province to the YuMen gate, The Great Wall is longer then ten thousand kilometre. Its scale had beyond the Qin Great Wall's by far. During the East Han state period, people built new wall inside of the West Han Great Wall to defense the Serbi and the Qiang nationality, The length of it is more then five kilomitres also. The Great Wall which was built in the two Han period, is the biggest project in our history.
After this, the nations in the north began to come into the north of China, city gate and backland. They built the new North Dynasty kaiserdom, standed face to the North Dynasty kaiserdom. The West Wei state, East Wei state, West Qi state,West Zhou state in the North Dynasty kaiserdom, all built the mulriple Great Wall in the northern parts of Yellow River. The Shui Dynasty unified the whole nation, then built the new city wall from the middle-head reaches of the Yellow River to the western parts of Ganshu province, its length is three kilomitres, and it forms a new system with the eastern Great Wall.
During the Tang Dynasty, the power of country is so strong that the all nantion in the north have to submit to the authority of Tang, So the archon haven't built any new Great Wall, only built three city to accept surrenders.Here, the eastern Gaoli built more the one thousand kilomitres Great wall from the northeast of China to the Datong River estuary to defense Tang.
In the Zhu,Liao,Jin Dynasty Period, the north parts of Chian was occupied by the Khitan, the west parts of the Yellow River was occupied by West Xia, The North Song Dynasty only repaired the Yan Gate. Since this, Liao and Jin state became more and mire stronger, and occupied the whole parts in the north of the Yellow River, so the South Song has no ability to build any new Great Wall.But the Liao-Jin kaiserdom built the new Great Wall in the northeastern parts of Neimenggu province to fight against the other nantion in the northern parts. People often call it as "Genghis khan City Wall".
After the Ming Dynasty was founded, the archons began to build new Great Wall in the northern parts of China to defense the Yuan state come back and Dadan, Waci, Nvzhen etc.And they also built many Great Wall in southeast of China near to the sea to oppugn the foreign enemy. The count of the Ming Great Wall is the best large in our history. The main part of it begins from the the Yalu River to the JiaYu Gate, its length is more than seven thousand kilomitres. Thereinto, The part which from ShanHai Gate to the JiaYu Gate is kept most well.
At the beginning of Qing Dynasty, in the Liaoning,Jilin Province people built the ShengJing city wall, it extends 2600 kilomitres. And the people also repaired the ShanHai, JuYong, YanMen, JiaYu Gate etc. But from the metaphase of Qing Dynasty, the Great have not been repaired more.
Now, Under the years run out and the man-made destroy, Many parts of The Great Wall have become very slipshod, even includes the Ming Great Wall. But The Great Wall whose length is more than a hundred thousand kilomitres is the huge Chinese dragon, is the best greatness and grandest work in the history of the whole human being. It also materializes the architectural skill. Now the people who bide inside and outside of The Great Wall, through the long time traffics, have unified one big family. The Great Wall is the symbolize of our China and is our pride. It will also contribute to promotion the friendship between people who come from the different countries.
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像巨龙般腾越在崇山峻岭、沙漠戈壁的长城,是由城关、城墙、敌台、烽火台等构 成的,是我国古代各地和各民族统治集团间的军事防御工程体系。它是两三千年来,由各族人民反复多次修筑而成的,体现着中华民族的伟大力量和坚强意志,成为 我国古代文明中的一项光辉灿烂的瑰宝。长城内外各族人民在无数次斗争和长期交往中,发生过许多可歌可泣的动人故事,吸引着历代文人墨客为它们赋诗作画,在 我国文学艺术宝库中,增添了许多优美动人的篇章与画卷。
远在公元前十一世纪,我国西周就有“城彼朔方”的记载。公元前七到三世纪的春秋战国时期,各诸侯国互相吞并,形成群雄并立不断混战的局面,他们在自己 的边境,先后筑起长城以自卫。如楚率先在南阳地区筑方城数百里;齐则在山东从平阴到东海边琅琊台筑长城,又沿黄河故道筑堤为城;中山、魏、韩、燕、赵、秦 等国,各修筑长城数百里至数千里。当时长城总长已上万里,不过是分散各自独立而已。
公元前221年,秦始皇统一六国后,一方面拆毁诸国间的长城,另一方面为防北边匈奴,又调动军民上百万人,命大将蒙恬督筑长城,西起洮河沿黄河向东,再按 原秦、赵、燕长城走向一直到辽东,绵亘万余里,成为我国最早的万里长城。
西汉时,北部的匈奴族更强盛,屡向南犯,汉朝除采取通好、和亲及出击等手段外,并着手大规模兴筑长城以固边陲。除修缮秦长城外,西面更增筑河西、玉门 关、居延泽等长城。北出雁门,五原阴山,东循燕秦长城,从辽东到最西的玉门关,长达两万余里。并列亭西至楼兰,北至胪朐(乌兰巴托东北地区),规模远逾秦 代。东汉初北防鲜卑、西防羌戎,又在西汉长城以内,大兴障塞堠坞,总长也达万里以上。两汉时期一北一南所筑长城,是历代规模最大的。
此后,北方各族逐渐进入华北、关中,直至中原,建立起北朝政权,形成南北朝对峙的局面。北朝的北魏、东魏、北齐、北周先后在黄河套以北东至辽西地区, 修筑了多重的长城,纵横交错,总长也上万里。隋统一全国后,在黄河中上游由云中经五原、榆林、宁夏至陇西,筑长城四五千里,与北朝在东部的长城正好构成又 一体系。
唐代国势强盛,长城以北以西的各部族都归附通好,因此未筑长城,仅在阴山内建“受降城”三座,东西互距四百里,并连以城障;在甘肃西部复筑瓜州故城。 这时,东部的高丽为了防唐,在我国东北由扶余、开原、新宾至朝鲜大同江口筑长城二千余里。
明朝建立后,为防范元朝复辟及达旦、瓦刺、女真、吐蕃等族骚扰,在北方不断修筑长城,并且为抗击外国入侵,在东南沿海要地也零星筑了一些长城。明长城 之多,是历代之最。主要长城从鸭绿江边的九连城到甘肃的嘉峪关,全长一万五千余里。在北京和山西偏关间,分成南北两道长城。在许多地段上长城除主城墙大边 外,还有二边、三边、外边、内边、护边等多道的城墙,如雁门关外有大石墙三道、小石墙二十三道。其中从山海关到嘉峪关间的一万二千七百里的主长城保存较完 善,特别是山海关到北京周围,经戚继光重新督筑过的长城最为壮观。
经历了长久的岁月和人为的破坏之后,许多古长城已到了十分零落的程度。就是明长城也遭到许多损毁。但是,总长十几万里的中华巨龙,仍然是人类古代最巨 大壮观的工程。并且它在不同时代、不同地点、因险制塞、呈现着千姿百态、无一类同的奇丽景观,体现了建筑上的艺术才思。长城内外我国各族人民,经过长期交 往,终于突破人为的分割阻碍,已凝结成统一团结和睦友爱的中华民族大家庭。长城作为我们中华伟大文明古国的象征,既是我们民族感到自豪、也为世界各地人民 所向往,它将为增进各国人民的友谊作出重大的贡献
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