Thursday, October 05, 2006


Known as the "Fairyland on Earth" . Jiuzhaigou sits on 103° 46' –I04° 4 ' E and32° 15 ' -33° 19' N, within the boundary of Jiuzhuigou County , Aba Prefecture , Sichuan . It lies between the southwest margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and at the north foolt of Duo'ema Mountain Range, with an average , altitude between 2, 000 and 3,000 meters, and a distance of about 435 kilometers from Chengdu , the capital city of Sichuan Province .

To its east, Jiuzhaigou neighbors both the Baihe River Nature Reserve and the Wanglang Nature Reserve , and to its south is the Huanglong Place of Scenic Interest . Jiuzhaigou covers a total area of 720 square kilometers, with a periphery zone of 600 sq. m. and a buffer zone of 110sq. m.

Jiuzhaigou, also called "Yangtong" in ancient times, cur- rently has other names like "Heyao Jiuzhai", and the " Jade Sea ". Jiuzhaigou, literally the Nine Village Valley , is hence known for the nine Tibetan villages within its boundary, that is, Panxin, Rize. Yacuo , Panya, Zechawa , Heijiao, Shuzheng, Heye and Zharu. The area of Jiuzhaigou as well as the upper reaches of the Jialing River and Minjiang River are called the land of Shiqiang (Qiang ethnic minority ) in aocient times, where human activities have been recorded dating back as early as to o the Yin-Shang Period (16th- 11th Century B. C.). Ac- cording lo The Records afSongpan (vol. I - Rivers and Mountains), the "Jade Sea is 50-odd kilometers to the northeast county, within the territory of Zhongyang Tongfan Tribe. Its valleys are as long as several kilometers with green water and jade-like ripples." This evidences that the Jade Sea beauty was well known as far back in ancient times.

Jiuzhaigou covers the Shuzheng Valley . Rize Valley and Zechawa Valley that take a "Y" shape, in the Minshan Mountain Range. Inhabited by Tibetans, the nine vil- lages and alpine lakes, affectionately called "Ham", are like reflecting mirrors or crystal jade blocks inlaid in snow mountains and forests. At the end of Zechawa Valley is the Chang (Long) Lake and the end of Rize Valley are virgin forests. From .south to north, both val- leys stretch and meet al Nuorilang. The drop between the two valleys and Shuzheng Valley is over 1,000 meters, with 1 14 lakes lying downward in an echelon manner, on which arc 17 waterfalls, 11 rip currents and 5 travertine beaches, formulating alpine lake clusters and travertine spots that are rarely seen in China and even in the world. A fairyland on earth. Jiuzhaigou col- lects the primitive, natural beauties best demonstrated in its lakes, waterfalls, beaches, water currents, snow peaks, virgin forests and Tibetan customs. more

Magic Mirror Cliff
It's a gigantic cliff rising 800 metres from the level ground. Its surface is as smooth and slippery as a mirror. Capped with pines and China firs, the cliff top resembles a human head with cropped short hair and curly beard, which in local mythology, was left over by Zhayiga, the Ancester of mountains to keep the evil spirit under control.

Penjinghai Lake (Miniature Landscape Lake)
On the Lake's shallows, a few dozens of miniature-potted-landscape-like bushes of azalea, poplar, metasequoia etc. scatter about. They assume various forms: some in the shape of a fierce spread eagle, and some, of a galloping steed.

Luweihai (Reed Marshes)
It is 1375 metre long and over-grown with reeds. A clear brook zigzags its way through the marshes, where waterfowls are seen hovering overhead. When the season turns, the green meandering brook presents a striking contrast with the yellow spread of reeds.

Huohahai (sparkling Lake)
The west hill commands a spectacular view of the sparkling reflections of bright sunlight upon the Lake's deep blue surface. Lying Dragon Lake: In the middle of the lake, submerges a dimly visible yellowish "Lying Dragon" in some 20 metre deep water. When a gentle wind from the mountain whips up ripples on the Lake's clear surface, it looks as if the "Dragon" were stretching herself, and once the wind increases intensity, the "Dragon" begins to shake her head and wag her tail, as if poising for a take off.

Shuzheng Group of Lakes
It consists of some 40 large and small inter-connected lakes stretching as long as ten Li. The waters overflow the inter-lake banks of calcic soil over-grown with willows, pines and cypresses and become a succession of waterfalls. The nearby Shuzheng stockaded village still preserves two primitive stone mills and one wooden bridge, They are simple and rough, but very charming.

Nuorilang waterfalls
A massive water current washing over a cliff top over-grown with willows, drops some 30 metre down and form spectacular waterfalls of various size and shape. Some waters fall straight down to the ground. Some dash against protruding rocks midway and explode into millions of colorful tiny beads.

Pearl Shoal
A stream rushes down a 20 degree slope into the Shoal splashing water about like millions of bouncing silver pearls and then goes on down to form fantastic waterfalls of various shape with thunderous roars echoed by the deep valley.

Wuhua Hai (Five Flower Lake)
Due to different water depths and silts on the bottom, the Lake's waters assume a variety of colors, such as light yellow, dark green, deep blue, jadeite, under the sun light, they are as colorful and beautiful as a peacock's feathers.

Panda Lake Waterfall
It consists of 3 waterfalls with sizes of 5x19m., 2x24 m., and 14x19 m., respectively. Three separate streams rush down a precipice and form waterfalls with multiple sections of 65 m, in total height.

Swan Lake
It's 2250 m. long and 125 m. wide (at maximum) encompassing an area of 142.8 mu . The surface is domed with weeds and wild flowers. It's a tranquil and secluded place frenquented by swans and wild ducks.

Hanging Dagger Spring
Overlooking the Swan Lake is a solitary Lofty peak, 500 metre high and resembling a dagger piercing through the sky. From the halfway down the peak, voluminous waters gash out and drop some thousand feet like a white chain hanging in the air.

Five Color Pool
Filled with crystal-clear waters the pool looks colorful, radiant and fascinating.

Long Lake
It's the largest lake in Jiuzhaigou Valley, covering an area of 7.5 km, long and 0.375 km. wide. It is 3103 metres above sea level, with a maximum depth of 103 metres. The melted snow from the South Peak and the waters of surrounding mountain streams and brooks all find their way into the Lade which has no exit. The excess water either vapours or seeps into the earth. The waters never spill over the banks in spite of downpours in summer and autumn. The Lake won't dry up either in spring and winter, even there's a long dry spell. In spring, Jiuzhaigou Valley is radiant and enchanting. The air is filled with fragrance of wild blossoms. In summer, the beautiful trees are luxuriantly green. In autumn, the breeze is intoxicating, while tree leaves turn crimson. In winter, the mountains and valleys are wrapped in snow and ice.

九寨沟风景名胜区位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州南坪县境内,距离成都市400多公里,是一条纵深40余公里的山沟谷地,因周围有9 个藏族村寨而得名,总面积约620平方公里,大约有52%的面积被茂密的原始森林所覆盖。林中夹生的箭竹和各种奇花异草,使举世闻名的大熊猫、金丝猴、白唇鹿等珍稀动物乐于栖息在此。 自然景色兼有湖泊、瀑布、雪山、森林之美。沟中地僻人稀,景物特异,富于原始自然风貌,有“童话世界”之誉。有长海、剑岩、诺日朗、树正、扎如、黑海六大景区,以翠海、叠瀑、彩林、雪峰、藏情这五绝而驰名中外。

  九寨沟处于四川盆地向青藏高原过渡的边缘地带,属松潘、甘孜地槽区,恰好位于我国第二级地貌阶梯的坎前部分,在地貌形态变化最大的裂点线上,地势南高北低,有高山、峡谷、湖泊、瀑布、溪流、山间平原等多种形态。其地貌属高山狭谷类型。山岭的海拔高度大都为 3500-4500米,最高峰嘎尔纳峰海拔4764米,最低点羊峒海拔2000米。整个景区内沟壑纵横,山峦叠嶂,好似大自然撰写的一部壮丽史诗,记录着地壳的沧桑变迁和生命的进化历程。





Philou said...

that's a satellite picture of Chengdu that you are showing here... anyway, like the spirit of the blog! keep doing it!

Lv said...

Thank you, I will try hard.

Philou said...

can you correct the google map for jiuzhaigou? here is to help you: (i did that)
